
After fall term

After fall terms in ICU, I have to do or want to do many things!
1.     I go to a shop to sell my goods
I have many goods. So I sell this to a shop. I dispose of unnecessary things.
2.     I read many books
I love reading. But recently I was very busy. I cannot read
3.     I go to café
I am interested in café. I research and go to café!
4.     I write something
I love writing. I have many things that I want to write.
5.     I make many foods.

I like this class. I am sad because this class finished. I learned many things. I keep writing!


Week 9

How was SE?
I enjoy SE! I think this lecture is best in form term. I want to take this course again!

What did I learn/discover during this course?
1.    I discover many genre of writing. For example, short story. I think there is not short story in Japan. When I listened to short story, I imagine short story is like poem. But, short story is different from poem.
2.    I learn how to write. For example, if we write something, we observe many things. Observation is important process to write! I write blog or publishing with thinking about observation. I learn this thing in this lecture including the lecture from Kathleen.
3. I think that writing makes me enjoy or happy. When I write something, I become my mind calm. This is precious experience.
4. I think that writing reflects on own experience by reading other people’s publishing. We always experience many things. Around us, there exist many happiness things, sad things and something like that. Writing connects with living.
5. Finally, I learn what I really want to write. Every times, I always think about something. But I did not express this thinking, ideas. But, through this lecture, I think about myself and I want to know myself. This is important things. I wrote writing is important to observe. But important thing is not only this. Writing makes me to think about myself. I learn and discover this fact.

Writing is difficult things for me. However, writing teaches many things. When I share our publishing, I feel embarrassed. But many people read my publishing and have many impressions, it is wonderful things. This lecture is finished. But, I continue to write many things because I love writing!


My blunder

Today I go out in my house in usual times. However I forget print that submitted today on the way. I returned to my house and bring print. I am late about 20 minutes. I go to the station again. I give up being in time for class. I ride on Shounan Shinzyuku Line. Shounan Shinzyuku line does not crowed compared with I usually ride on it. After 30 minutes, I ride on Chuuou line. Chuuou line does not crowed too. I sit down and read books. In train, there are only 10 people. I am surprised! Then I ride on bus. I go to ICU. Fourtunaly, I am in time for class!


Fixed week8 What do I want my obituary to say?

Mariko Ando, resident of Kanagawa, passed away September 27, at the age of 81 in book's world.

Ms. Ando was born May 28, 1992, in Yokohama city in Japan. She entered Christianity kindergarten and spends all Christianity school in Japan. When she was child, she always thinks "I go to the world of books!" She granted this dream. After graduated university, a scientist developed the machine that people can go into books. And then scientist recruited a guinea pig. She applies this recruit and then she went to the world of books.

Then she always stayed into books. She seldom went back this world. But, she feels so happy. She loves the world of books, and she is loved by books.


Important to write

I respect many writers because they are artistic, not giving up writing and always thinking about many things. But especially I respect a man. He is always artistic (hair, fashions and life). He loves writing. His passion focused on writing. He always explores “Reality” in the world and writes his work. He does not like imagination. He writes only reality. So he acts many things even if things or situations are dangerous. It is cool I think. I learned how to write from him. He often is called “strength person”. However he is write earnestly! So I respect and I love him!

My two dogs stayed home

Yesterday, I went to go shopping with my family. My two dogs stayed home into dog’s cage. I sure hook of cage be closed many times. And then we went to out my home. After two or three hours, we came to back my house with many bags in cosmetics, accessories and foods (I bought hamburger at Burger King!) I got down car and then I entered my house with opening key. As soon as opening key, two dogs sprang out of my house. I was surprised because they were into the cage with closed hook. “Why?” I thought. I look dog’s cage. I recognized why my two dogs were out of cage. In cage, it has two doors. Two doors have each hook. However I forgot closed one door’s hook. So they went out cage. My family is laughing.

Fixed week7 What is my view of about religion?

I think religion is emotional support for people. For example, in the case of Christianity, when people are sadness or experience bad events, people read bible. After reading bible or pray for God, maybe people will feel calm. This removes nervous from people. Religious has strength power to make people to be calm down. Also, religion give people to consider many things in the world, for example living, war, considering about myself and something like that. This is precious time. Also, religion always leads people to be certain living. However, we have to know happened war by people having different religion. This is serious problem I think.